What is Rookie drive?

Rookie drive is a USB virtual disk drive for MSX computers, currently under development, uses .DSK image files as 720kb floppy disks.

More information in “The project”


Introducing Rookie drive

I am pleased to announce that I will be present at the next RU # 50, in Barcelona, ​​next Saturday, December 3, 2016.


I will set up a booth to teach the project and hope to make a presentation to show the operation and talk about the details of the device.

More information on Associació d’Amics MSX

Here’s how it was:




Rookie drive

USB in the MSX ?, yes, sir, here’s my first project for MSX, a virtual disk drive (uses floppy disk image files .DSK), USB mass storage devices (hard drives and hard drives), whose system of files is FAT.

More info

The core

This is the “core” of Rookie drive, the IC known as CH376S, designed to be used by microcontrollers and 8-bit processors, simplifying access to USB storage devices.

More info


What a mess!

Do you want to know how Rookie drive has been formed ?, then you will see the prototypes that I used during the process.

More info

Learning is exciting

My personal motivation right now is; To know the MSX more thoroughly, to reach challenges that in my youth were unthinkable, to contribute my little bit of sand to the exciting world of the MSX, and to enjoy to the top of computers that marked an era.

From curiosity and the desire to learn, I have come here, where I present this project, which has been my hobby for the last few months.

With this project, I would like to “light up” the wick for future projects that are more powerful and complex, allowing the MSX to leave the bottom of the cabinets and be re-discovered by new generations.

Rookie drive, has the aspiration to be an alternative to the different storage media that exist for MSX, being a reduced performance unit, but at the same time easy to build and manage, cheap and at the same time effective.

I hope it’s of interest.

Rookie Drive
